Lovella's Blog's
Cinnamon Moons
The Cinnamon Moons are a staple in my mother's freezer. Each grand child
has their favorite that Oma bakes and this is one of my youngest's
favorites. ...
1 hour ago
December 2018
December 2018 has come and gone and what remains are the memories to hold
near my heart and these photos to help remind me.
It was about the people w...
5 years ago
Blogs that Inspire me
Fresh questions are up for Wednesday Hodgepodge thanks to Joyce From This
Side of the Pond. 1. It’s been said January is ‘the month of opportunity,
17 hours ago
Frosted Pansies
Well, our highly anticipated snow event resulted in a bit of snow followed
by a bit of sleet leaving a frosty coating on everything in i...
2 days ago
A quick post from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico where the sun shines most of the
day and the temperature is pleasant, but not hot.
Sunset over the Pacific...
2 days ago
*HAPPY NEW YEAR, to you and yours!! *
New calendars are hanging on our walls... 12 pages that have not yet been
turned. What will unfold with each turned...
2 weeks ago
Once again we have reached the end of the year....and it's time to close
the book on 2024.
The snow covers the peaks and the white swans are back in our ...
2 weeks ago
I found this as I was going through the memories of my parents’ photos.
Tears well up and drop to my cheek. I saw the little girl by the fence. I
2 weeks ago
*Oh so glad we've passed the solstice!*
*These dark and dreary days have me in a state.*
*I know how thankful I should be for all that I have*
*and I know ...
2 weeks ago
I don't know if it's a sign of my age or why it is that I feel like every
other day the weekend is here again! The thing is, I love weekends but they
1 year ago
This is Abby from Little Birdie Blessings, with some news about our dear
friend Vee. On Sunday, July 23, 2023, Vee peacefully left this earth for
her Hea...
1 year ago
The Nature Creative is my monthly nature journaling membership designed to
help you connect to the nature around you. This video gives you an idea of
2 years ago
Advent is the beginning of the end – the end of all we so long to see end
and all we long to see begin – Jon Bloom You are working in our waiting –
Aaron K...
5 years ago
Hello Friends. It's December and almost time for Christmas. Can
you believe it? I know I've been absent for a couple of months but life
has been b...
6 years ago
Last week a group of ballroom dancers put on a show at my mother's care
facility. Mum, pretty in her flowered hat, seemed to enjoy the music and
6 years ago
Australian wallabies are probably one of the cutest animals God has
created, but first you should know what a wallaby is.
[image: 20180416_170314.jpg]
6 years ago
Black Eyed Susan flowers. They add charm to any garden or landscape. They
are easy
to grow, low maintenance and quick growing. They are good flowers f...
7 years ago
I'm currently blogging my way through the US as I work on a book on grief
called '50 States of Grief'. In case you still follow this blog and have
missed m...
7 years ago
It's Christmas time in December.
By now you all know that I love snow...
And we've had plenty.
I still have fond memories as a small child when the snow dr...
8 years ago
*Hi, I am sharing some of my favourite Fall décor ideas here. *
*I h...
8 years ago
We had a fantastic long weekend.
Our original plans to go camping fell by the wayside.
We've been too busy. Too busy to get the trailer ready. Too busy t...
9 years ago
Thanks for reading my blog on this host site.
Now it's time for me to move on to my OWN website!
I've purchased the domain and plan...
9 years ago
Continuing with my out of order/by topic rather than chronological events
(And those wishing they could take a tropical vacation may find th...
9 years ago
there was an interesting monologue that my daughter spewed forth a few
weeks ago. i wrote the whole thing down on a little blue post-it note and
just now...
10 years ago